
Mongolian Cuisine Menu

eatMongolian Cuisine

Mongolian cuisine can be found in China's Mongol Autonomous Region of Inner Mongolia and in other northern Chinese provinces, as far east as Beijing. In fact the Mongolian hot pot is a popular Beijing food. The Mongolian people have traditionally been pastoralists, and their cuisine reflects this with many tasty lamb/mutton dishes. Game and river fish also form part of their traditional diet.

Mongolian Cuisine Menu

Hand-Stripped Muttonshǒu bā yángròuShoh baa yang-roh手扒羊肉
Instant-Boiled Muttonshuài yángròuShweye yang-roh涮羊肉
Whole Sheep Banquetzhěng yáng xíJnng yang sshee整羊席
Roast Deer Noseshāo hǎn bíShaoww han bee烧罕鼻
Crucian Carp Stuffed with Pork in Soupjìyú tāngJee-yoo tung鲫鱼汤
Whole Fish Feastquán yú yànChwen yoo yen全鱼宴
Pearl Carpzhēnzhū lǐyúJnn-joo lee-yoo珍珠鲤鱼

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